FAQs and Answers
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and some Answers
SPECIAL NOTE: We only accept and approve Websites and Banners that are in
ENGLISH only. So where ever you are in the world, when you submit a Website and 468x60 Banner Advertising, they MUST be in
English only to be accepted and approved. Thank you.
What is this Site about?
Our Site (SitesPromoter.com) is a Private Professional Business Promotion Site from Philadelphia PA in the United States. We make it easy and very affordable to promote your Sites by using our service.
How does our Site works?
First you will need to read and agree with our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer Information, Refund Policy and Membership Rules.
Then you will need to Register to join by submitting the required information and verifying your email address.
Then you can log-in to the Site. Look at what we offer. Then decide to submit your Site for promotion via PayPal Payment.
Do you offer Refund?
We do offer a refund of the purchased site promotion cost. See our refund information at our Site.
Does it cost to advertise at our Site?
Yes. Advertising is not free for Advertisers but the cost is cheap and very affordable.
What if I have more question, can I can reach you and how?
Where applicable, see our Contact Link at the Site for more Information. Or
E-mail: admin@sitespromoter.com
About our Site
Our Site (SitesPromoter.com) is a Private Professional Business Promotion Site from Philadelphia PA in the United States. We make it easy and very affordable to promote your website or Site information for more website visitors, customers and desired online results. Our aim is to create an ethical environment online where everyone who agrees with our Website Service, Terms and Rules can join our Site and have their website promoted for less with the best results by using our Website Service. The Site is presented by Mike Taylor and Family from
TaylorSite.us online.
Our other online Business Websites include:
Polas Quiz and Learning**
Cobis Text Link Ads Site*
Contact Details
SitesPromoter.com Admins and Owners
c/o The Taylor Family
Widener Place, PA 19141
Philadelphia, United States
E-mail: admin@sitespromoter.com